

Aug 10, 2023

Trade remedies notice 2023/13: Suspension of anti

Updated 2 August 2023

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This notice was published on 2 August 2023 with effect from that date.

This public notice was published on 2 August 2023 by the Secretary of State under regulation 94D(2) of the Trade Remedies (Dumping and Subsidisation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.

The public notice:

The public notice relates to hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods originating in Iran or Russia subject to both:

The effect of this suspension is that the anti-dumping duty is charged on imports of hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods originating in Iran or Russia until such time as the relevant import quota is exceeded. After such time only the portion of the anti-dumping duty exceeding the safeguard duty (together with the safeguard duty) is charged. As such, once the safeguard quota is exceeded the anti-dumping duty payable on hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods originating in Iran or Russia to which this public notice relates is as follows:

This public notice does not relate to hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods originating from Brazil or Ukraine, which are excluded from safeguard duty: tariff-rate quota on steel goods under Trade Remedies Notice 2023/10 and Trade remedies notice 2022/01.

Hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods that may be subject to both anti-dumping and safeguard duty under Taxation Notice 2020/17 and Trade Remedies Notice 2023/10 are:

Certain flat-rolled products of iron, non-alloy steel or other alloy steel, whether or not in coils (including ‘cut-to-length’ and ‘narrow strip’ products), not further worked than hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated.

The following product types are excluded:

The hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods subject to both anti-dumping and safeguard duty are usually imported into the UK under the following UK Global Tariff (UKGT) commodity codes:

You can use the online trade tariff tool to find UKGT commodity codes.

This public notice does not suspend or otherwise affect the period for which Taxation notice 2020/17 has effect in relation to anti-dumping duty on certain hot-rolled flat products of iron, non-alloy or other alloy steel.

Trade Remedies Notice 2021/05: Suspension of anti-dumping duty on hot-rolled flat iron, non-alloy, or other alloy steel goods originating in Iran or Russia is revoked.